Services & Prices
Our Quality Sewer Services and Its Prices
We Service:
Catch Basins:
(Car Washes, Garage Pits, ) Prices vary due to size and the material in it. (Sand, Clay, Water)
Grease Traps:
(Small traps on Homes, and Restaurants) These prices also vary do to size and how often they need to be done.
Holding Tanks:
Due to the size of some tanks we price these as a per gallon rate, and that depends on how often they need to be serviced.
Septic Systems:
These are the easiest to price there are only a few different styles. Our prices are as follows
1 Tank systems = $269.00
1 Tank split systems = $296.00
2 Tank systems = $324.00
2 Tank split systems = $349.00
3 Tank systems = $359.00
*Prices are subject to change without notice